
Padel Nuestro collaborates with Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, in the fight against infant mortality


Currently, the vast majority of people are aware of the vital importance of vaccines. For this reason, Group Padel Nuestro adheres to the Alliance for Childhood Vaccination and collaborates with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the ”La Caixa” Foundation against the fight against infant mortality. The goal is for millions of children to be vaccinated against deadly diseases.

Generations with a future”. The Gavi project, The Vaccine Alliance and the ”La Caixa” Foundation

Gavi is a Geneva-based global association whose mission is to save lives, reduce poverty and protect the world from diseases of increased mortality. Likewise, Covid19, along with other epidemics such as pneumonia, measles, HIV or polio, is the cause of many deaths in the world’s neediest countries. For this reason, this Association has more than 20 years of experience administering more than 760 million vaccines to children in the poorest countries on the planet, thus avoiding more than 13 million deaths since 2000.

Since the appearance of the Alliance, more than 3,000 companies, 8,000 clients and employees of the ”La Caixa” Group have collaborated with this initiative. What’s more, together and thanks to the help of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, they have quadrupled each donation. As a result, the sum of all these contributions has managed to save the lives of 6.3 million children under 5 years of age.

Also, with the help of people in solidarity and collaborating companies such as Grupo Padel Nuestro, they help prevent a child from dying every 20 seconds in the poorest countries due to lack of vaccines. The contribution of the leading group of distribution in padel products will be destined to the disposition of the pneumococcal vaccine in Mozambique. In this way, it will safeguard the child population from the dreaded pneumonia.

The most supportive side of Padel Nuestro

The Padel Nuestro Group is aware of the importance of helping others and does so by reinforcing its Corporate Social Responsibility. In 2019, Padel Nuestro donated more than 1,000 articles of footwear and clothing to Cáritas valued at 6,000 euros. Similarly, it joined the initiative of the paddle tennis player Martita Ortega with a collection of toys for hospitalized children in various centers in Madrid, and in this cause the Group’s workers participated actively. In addition, it also gave the facilities of one of its clubs to ASPAYM Murcia users.

Likewise, 2020 was a very difficult year for everyone and, therefore, Padel Nuestro joined PadelMBA and 15 elite paddle players to fight against Covid-19. The benefits collected through donations from individuals and players were entirely allocated to the Spanish Red Cross.

Now, in 2021, the Group joins this project in order to be able to help the countries most in need and to see the new ”Generations with a future” grow who live with hope thanks to the solidarity and commitment of others. If you want to know more about this project, click here.

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